04.02.2024 | 14:00

Helmut Orwat personally guides you through his exhibition

The current ongoing exhibition “Daily Pictures for the Revier: Helmut Orwat’s Press Photographs” in the LWL Museum Schiffhebewerk Henrichenburg presents impressive press photographs that have shaped the Ruhr area over three decades. Helmut Orwat, a freelance press photographer, delivered up to 15 photographs a day to the local editorial team of the Ruhr Nachrichten. The images document not only everyday life, but also important events such as demonstrations, strikes and election campaigns, with the focus always on authentic and diverse depictions of people “next door”. There is more about the exhibition here.

The already exciting exhibition now offers an extra highlight: the exclusive tour by Helmut Orwat in person on February 4, 2024 at 14:00 p.m. This offers visitors the unique opportunity to learn first-hand the stories behind the photographs and gain an even deeper insight into Orwat's work. A present opportunity to experience and understand the impressive world of Ruhr area photography.

Tickets and further information:

Admission: Regular museum entry from: EAdults: 5,00 euros, reduced: 2,50 euros
More information is available at LWL-Museum ship lift Henrichenburg


LWL-Museum ship lift Henrichenburg
At lift 26
45731 Waltrop

The LWL-Museum ship lift Henrichenburg is an anchor point on the Industrial Heritage route.

Photo: Helmut Orwat / LWL-Museum ship lift Henrichenburg