17.09.2023 | 11:00 – 18:00

World Children's Day in the Maxipark

On Sunday, September 17th, a big party for the whole family will take place in the Maxipark on the occasion of World Children's Day.

On this special day, the renatured area of ​​the former colliery and today's park will be used by a total of over 50 institutions, which will offer great games for children of all ages as well as crafts to try out at their activity stands. Numerous clubs of all kinds are invited: daycare centers and youth clubs as well as school or sports clubs are just a part of it - the range is wide-ranging and offers something suitable for everyone! Performances by various groups ensure enthusiasm not only among young guests but also among adult audiences!

There's a lot of action on the stage in the action hollow all day long: from ballet, dance mix, to musical and sporting performances, which show many actors what children do with their free time. There are also musical participation activities as well as quizzes, exercise games and skill games. At the same time, there is lots of informative information, assistance and tips for adults in the parents' information tent.
Of course, a large children's bric-a-brac market shouldn't be missed either. Small budgets can certainly find one or two bargains here.

Further program information: https://www.maximilianpark.de/veranstaltungen/veranstaltung/weltkindertag-2/

Maximilian Park Hamm
Old border path 2
59071 Hamm, Germany
Phone: + 49 2381 982100

eMail: info@maximilianpark.de

The Maximilian Park Hamm  is the anchor point of the Route of Industrial Culture.